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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


 Just to let everyone know I did not have to go to the ER. Thank everything.
Im answering comments...

My dad and my little sister? Not so lucky!

Fist my little sister got bit by a snake we went to the er it was not a posionous snake but still we spent 2 hours in there!

Second my dad last sunday was painting our house and fell off the ladder..... My mom rushed him to the hospital... first he spent 3 days there the x-rays  say that he crushed his ankle into little tiny pieces and he might have a cast on for 1 year! He has already had 2 surgerys and he is most likely going to need another one!

So yeah its been BUSY!

Oh and hey, My HUGE pretty costume dance recital is this weekend im really stressed out beacause i dont know what im going to do with my hair and i need my mom to take me makeup shopping!!! sigh...

Anywhoo here is a quick tag! I made to see what makeup u guys would wear!

What is your fave color lipstick? Purple,Red,Pink, None lip gloss suits me.
What color eyeshadow would you wear?
Would you wear masscara?
Or Eyeliner?
What color blush?
Nailpolish, purple,black,Green,blue,red,pink?

Well t-later! --Elyse

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Some might call me crazy but i say were all crazy...

Sorry that sounded REALLY stupid but im bored.....

Well my week/weeks have been REALLY stressful! We have gone to the emergency room twice this week! yeah so uhuh lol So here are some random things!

peace signs Pictures, Images and Photos

♥♥♥♥♥_____________ lets RoCk

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rockstar Pictures, Images and Photos
Love Quote and Cute Quote Pictures, Images and Photos
Well thats all for now i guess ill write more later! POST COMMENTS!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yeah i made this my self not the best looking award but still an award!

Golden eagle
And anyone else who wants it!

And i am kinda back to posting more offen! YAY!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Back.... just today... fire, books,snake bite....


I've been awarded soo here goes!

                 This was awarded by kenzy! thanks!

And i stole this from the golden eagle cause im homeschooled!


And if anyone has awarded me or tagged me let me know ( : XD!

Back to me :) were busy last weekend my neighbors house burned... :( to the ground... my mom ran in the BURNING house to help people/animals
Luckily there were no people
....only 3 dogs!
our other neighbor and us were calling 911....
But it took them 2 hours to get the fire out!
And the fire was set.....
.....Also my little sister got bit by a snake we spent all of monday morning in the hospital.....
shes fine it was not a posionous snake!
And is anyone else reading the percy jackson books?
Cause i am and i L O V E them!
Well if u have any questions let me know just thought i'd update u guys and say i do still read y'alls blogs!
And check on mine to see if anyone has commented!
I will be making update posts just so y'all know :)XD